
What to consider when choosing a railing

Both decorative and functional, handrails should be chosen with care. Here are a few considerations to help you make a smart purchase.

Of course, to achieve visual harmony, you should choose a model that matches the style of your staircase and the surrounding area. But before thinking about aesthetics, it’s important to consider the role of the railing as a safety barrier — especially if you have young children or share your home with anyone with limited mobility.

For example, as far as the handrail is concerned, it’s a good idea to go with a rounded shape to make it easier to grip. For the banister, avoid horizontal bars: children can easily climb them. Also, make sure that little ones aren’t able to fit their heads or shoulders between the bars. There are various norms and regulations that govern things like minimum railing height — call in an expert to make sure everything is up to code.

Finally, when it comes to choosing a material for your railing — metal, wood, plexiglass — style is of course important, but also make sure to keep maintenance in mind.






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