
Terrace nurse hosts “What Matters to You?” Day celebration

By Daniel Ramcharran, Communications Advisor for Planning, Quality and Information Management, Northern Health.

What’s most important to you when receiving health care? This question is the foundation of “What Matters to You?” Day (bcpsqc.ca/advance-thepatient-voice/what-mattersto-you/), which has been internationally celebrated in more than 30 countries since 2014.

The purpose of this day is to encourage meaningful conversation between patients and their health care providers to ensure care is aligned with patient preferences, and to focus on the patient as a person in the context of their life, rather than focusing on the health condition only.

At Terrace’s Seven Sisters and Birchwood Mental Health facilities, a registered nurse named Briana Sidney worked with Cathy Almost, an engagement leader with Patient Voices Network (patientvoicesbc.ca), to organize an event that let residents and staff discuss what matters most to residents.

“We recognize that our residents are the true experts on their own needs and experiences,” says Briana. “Asking, listening, and responding to what matters to our clients ensures we remain person centered.

Residents who participated received a swag bag with pens, hand sanitizers, buttons, bookmarks, and lanyards. They were encouraged to anonymously give feedback. The feedback was displayed on poster board at the site for everyone to read.

The residents’ feedback was also recorded to be reviewed and discussed with site leadership.

Briana plans to partner with Cathy for more feedback events because it was so successful, and because of staff and resident interest.

Wildfires cause poor air quality which can affect your health. It’s important to minimize your exposure to smoky air. To keep you and your family safe during wildfire smoke events:

• Pay attention to air quality reports and forecasts

• Keep the air cleaner indoors by keeping doors and windows closed if you can do so without overheating, and use an air cleaner if you have one

• Seek medical care if you feel unwell

• Reduce time spent outdoors and exercise indoors

• If your car has AC, keep air cleaner by rolling the windows up and using recirculated air

Learn more about wildfires and poor air quality at: http://www.bccdc. ca/health-info/prevention-publichealth/wildfire-smoke






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