
Elevate your yard: how to garden with height in mind

If you want to cultivate a lush backyard, one important factor to consider is height. Here are some tips to help you create a garden reminiscent of a tropical paradise.

• Tall plants. Select exotic species with large leaves that grow upward and outward. Ficuses, monsteras, philodendrons and palm trees are all great picks, so long as they can be brought inside in the fall if needed.

• Climbing plants. Guide vines up walls, along fences and around other structures to expand the reach of your garden. If you want to add a splash of colour, make sure to choose flowering species.

• Epiphytic plants. Commonly found perched on trees in rainforests, these plants can grow without soil. To recreate this look, mount orchids, bromeliads and tillandsias to a pergola or trellis. Just make sure you’ll have time to care for these delicate plants.

• Potted plants. A simple way to add some height to your garden is to fill pots, baskets and hangers with greenery, and arrange them on shelves, ladders, fences, tables and other elevated hardscape.

Finally, if you have the room, consider planting one or more trees. As they grow, they’re sure to take your yard to new heights!






Glacier Media